Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum Ideas
And just like that, summer is over and time to get into homeschool mode. Check today’s post for what I’m using for my daughter’s second grade curriculum.
Wow, summer came and it went. I don’t know about you but summer is both busy yet a great reset because homeschool takes a backseat from a much needed rest for the mind.
My daughter has enjoyed playing endless hours with the neighborhood kids and I’ve enjoyed catching up on the garden as well as other things around the house.
Planning For Second Grade 2021
The hardest thing about another school year is realizing just how big she’s getting. I’m sure you can relate. I still remember vividly when we first started our homeschool journey and doing my best to savor those outings with friends, reading sweet picture books cuddled up in a blanket, and relishing the hands she’s held thinking I never want this to end.
I’ve come to realize that’s the beauty of homeschool. Waking up a little slower, taking the time to create a warm & nourishing breakfast, and simply taking our time through the curriculum.
Isn’t that the amazing part? You get to choose the curriculum for your child! What are your priorities as a family? You can adjust your schedule specifically for you.
I recently wrote about on how to start homeschooling your child and I think there are a few things you need to consider before picking your curriculum.
Picking Out A Curriculum
This can be daunting. As mothers, it’s easy to put a lot of pressure on yourself for this. It’s a fast-paced world out there and there are new ideas, projects, and curriculums coming out everyday. It’s easy to get distracted and reach for the “next best thing.”
Do you ever give anything a real chance anymore? I know I can fall into this need for better things. Let’s slow it down and be intentional.
- Consider your homeschool philosophy. Take a quiz to find out yours.
- Figure out your child’s learning style. Take a quiz to find it out here.
- Check out Cathy Duffy’s book: 102 Top Homeschool Curriculum Picks. It’s a great way to cross-reference and find the exact curriculum you need.
- Try it out. Buy used if you’re unsure as to not spend too much money. Rest assured you can always sell it if it doesn’t work out.
Lastly, figure out what subjects you’re child is ready for. For me, the core subjects are language arts and math. I know that you just want the best for your child
Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum Video
Language Arts
Since my daughter is in second grade, I’ll be putting special focus on reading. We are starting up All About Reading again and finishing the remainder of Level 2 that we didn’t last year.
Once that’s finished, I’ll move into Language Lessons For Today: Grade 2. It’s a really simple and quick curriculum that requires no set-up because it’s all done orally. I’m excited to try it!
I’ve been using Handwriting Without Tears since the beginning. It’s probably my favorite topic in homeschool because this she can do independently!
I’m not sure how long I’ll stick with Rightstart Math, but I love it as a good foundation to math. It really gets down to the nitty gritty of what the different math topics really mean and uses great visuals with the manipulatives. It’s very parent-led and I’m not sure how long it will continue that way, but for now I love it. The math nerd in me really geeks out over the program. I wish I was taught this way!
History, Science, Art, & Music
I clumped these together because the curriculum I got is a unit study and includes all these topics. My primary focus is history and science and I will sprinkle in art & music at probably one time a week.
My Father’s World is Charlotte Mason inspired with emphasis on Christianity. I had also been drawn to unit studies. As a teacher I always hated that you would teach on subject and then go onto the next topic. I wanted to integrate everything together around a theme. To me it seemed like a better life application.
As a parent, unit studies are really great because it’s like a “all-in-one” deal. You don’t have to spend on different curriculums for each subject.
With that said, My Father’s World does cover history, science, art, & music. You just have to find a language arts and math curriculum which they do give recommendations for.
I hope you found this helpful. I always love seeing what other moms are doing especially when I was first starting out. If you’re needing direction on how to start, I just wrote a post last week on 4 ways you can start to simplify the process for you.